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“But it’s also about what he does about it and how he connects to his own spirit animal to help him. “She’s living an air-quotes at-risk lifestyle,” says Frederick. She notes besides the Lacrosse doc above, the feature Abducted is worth some love - locally made, produced by Sharlene Millang, written and directed by Daniel Foreman - it’s the story of a young man whose sister disappears. “We really have a lot of films,” laughs executive director Christine Sokaymoh Frederick, asked to highlight a couple. Friday, with a mix of shorts and feature films, starting at noon with the first package including Dodginghorse, Precious Leader Woman and The Roots of Lacrosse.

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The fest provides a venue for such Dreamtalkers from around the globe.

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The story behind the fest’s name comes from when the first Dene filmmaker returned home to Canada’s Northwest Territories, his people had no words for his new art and called it “Dreamtalking.” Dreamspeakers runs through June 4, with screenings, an industry open house and a couple of sweet opportunities to hang out - including an Arts in the Alley market starting 6 p.m., Saturday, Jun.

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